Knowledge Base--> Product Features--> Call Features-->How do I configure Custom Call Blocking?

How do I configure Custom Call Blocking?

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Custom call blocking is used for blacklisting certain numbers.

Log into your Online Account Management Control Panel and click the 'Custom Call Routing' icon.

Input the 11 digit number you want to block in the number field.

Then for labelling purposes - Fill in a name for the call.

You can choose "BUSY" to send this caller to a busy signal.

You can choose "BLOCKED" to play this caller a message telling them you have blocked them.

You can choose "BLACKLISTED" to play this caller a message telling them you have blacklisted them.

You can choose "STOPCALLING" to play this caller a message telling them to stop calling.

Or you can choose "VOICEMAIL" to send the call to your voicemail box.

Click the ADD button to add this number to your list of Blocked callers.

You must use 11 digits for this feature to work.
