Knowledge Base--> Billing--> Invoicing-->What is the refund policy?

What is the refund policy?

This article is rated a 2 out of 10 offers a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee. The 14 day Money Back Guarantee begins on the day your equipment is delivered or, in the case of a BYOD account, on the day your SIP credentials are emailed. Service charges are refundable if you cancel service within 14 days and agree to return your device within 30 days of cancellation. Fees incurred for using premium services, long distance fees (if on a measured plan), activation fees, shipping fees and one-time upgrade fees are non-refundable. The 14 Day Money Back Guarantee does not apply if you are found to be in violation of our terms of service or if you have taken advantage of the guarantee in the past.

Upon termination of service, your account will receive a full pro-rated refund for any remaining pre-paid months calculated from the 1st day of the following month. Activation fees, shipping fees and one-time fees are not eligible for any type of refund; only service fees are refundable as outlined in the Terms of Service. Customer will be charged a disconnect fee of $49.95 per line for all cancellations not processed within fourteen (14) days of service activation as per the terms of 14 Day Money Back Guarantee mentioned previously, or within fourteen (14) days of the end of the prepaid term. The Disconnect Fee becomes due and payable immediately upon cancellation and will be deducted from any refunds due, or billed directly to Customer’s credit card. It is your responsibility to cancel service prior to service renewal/billing in order to avoid being charged. Customers are responsible for premium or international charges for which billing may be delayed. Even if you are not using the service or cannot access the service, you must submit your cancellation request in accordance with the Terms of Service agreement. To cancel service, please contact our customer service department.
