FIX** - How do I make audio work?
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If you experience audio not working with your line on either outgoing or incoming calls, it is because your ISP (or self purchased) supplied modem/firewall/router is blocking various ports needed for our specific service.
First you'll need to find your router/modem/firewall's manual or contact your router manufacturer for assistance.
Next, login to your router. Forward the following port sets directly to
the supplied device:
Public/WAN PORT Private/LAN PORT
*8080 80
*69 69
*5060 - 5081 5060 - 5081
*10000 - 20000 10000 - 20000
The ports are for (in same order as above list):
*Remote Admin (make sure the supplied device has an admin password
set, otherwise leave this unforwarded until a tech sets you up on the phone)
*TFTP (Our configuration servers use this)
*SIP (VOIP Data ports)
*SIP Audio (VOIP Audio ports for WAN communications)
If this does not solve your problem, please issue a ticket.