Knowledge Base--> Voicemail--> Voicemail Info-->Can I check my voicemail when I am away from Home?

Can I check my voicemail when I am away from Home?

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Yes, we have four different ways of checking your voicemail.

You can call our remote voicemail access line. You will be prompted to enter a 'Mailbox' (your mailbox is your 11 digit phone number) When prompted, dial in your PIN and you will have full accces to your voicemail.

In addition - You can call your phone number. When the voicemail answers the call, simply press the * key. When prompted, enter your voicemail password to gain access to your voicemails.

Also you can enter your email address after clicking the 'Voicemail Notification' icon from your account management control panel. You will get an email notification after every voicemail - Attached to these notifications are .wav files that contain your voicemails that you can click to hear or download.

Finally, you can access your voicemails (for play or download) from any internet connection. Simply log into your account management control panel, just click on the 'Internet Voicemail' icon.
